Viewing 1 - 16 out of 37 posts


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Key Questions About the IEP Process

Navigating the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process can be complex and overwhelming for parents. An IEP is a legally binding document that outlines the educational services and support a child Read More

OCD Features in Autism Spectrum Disorder Patients

OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a behavioral issue that affects up to 3 percent of children according to the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. As Read More

What You Need To Know About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

When to See a Developmental Pediatrician: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Is your child exhibiting recurring behaviors such as repetitively washing hands or checking locks? If so, your child could have obsessive-compulsive disorder, Read More

Early Intervention for Learning Disabilities: The Importance of Timely Support

Children develop at different rates, but you might notice signs of a possible developmental delay. It is essential to act quickly and get early intervention for learning disabilities in Ocean, Read More

When To See a Developmental Pediatrician: Signs Your Child May Benefit

When to See a Developmental Pediatrician: Signs Your Child May Benefit A developmental pediatrician can help monitor and treat childhood developmental issues including developmental delays. Dr. Alison Smoller at Developmental Pediatrics Read More

What To Know About Autism / ADHD

What to Know about Autism / ADHD Autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, are developmental and behavioral disorders which can affect children. Developmental pediatrician Dr. Alison Smoller Read More

Managing Children’s Learning Disabilities in School

Is your child struggling with school, and you aren't sure why? They're intelligent but can't seem to get the hang of things. However, there's a chance that they may have Read More

Medical Conditions Associated With Autism

Autism is a complex developmental disorder causing a wide spectrum of signs and symptoms in your child. Our developmental pediatrician Dr. Alison Smoller can diagnose and help you manage your Read More

Signs of Learning Disabilities

Signs of Learning Disabilities: What to Watch for and What to Do Learning disabilities are common and if left untreated, they can affect a person’s development, educational experience, and more. Fortunately, Read More

Understanding ADHD In Your Child

Understanding ADHD is key to helping your child thrive after diagnosis. If you have a child with ADHD in Monmouth County Dr. Alison Smoller at Developmental Pediatrics of Central Jersey Read More

How COVID Has Affected Kids in School, Social Life, and Behaviorally

Here are some helpful tips to help your family and your child through the pandemic. It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly two years since the Covid-19 pandemic begin. From Read More

What does a Developmental Pediatrician Treat?

Having a child with special needs can be really overwhelming if you aren’t sure exactly how to care for all of their needs. This presents a unique responsibility for parents Read More

Could My Child Have an Anxiety Disorder?

As a parent, it may be difficult to determine if your child has an anxiety disorder because it is perfectly normal for most children to feel anxious from time to Read More

When To Have Your Child Evaluated For Learning Disabilities

Having learning disabilities doesn't mean that your child is not as smart as their peers. They might perceive things a little differently and need some help catching up. These signs Read More

What You Should Know About Your Child's Autism

Here are some helpful facts that parents should know about autism spectrum disorder. One in 54 children in the US was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2020. Autism Read More

Understanding Autism: Signs of Autism in Children

Know the warning signs of childhood autism. Does my child have autism? It’s one of the leading questions we get here at our practice. We understand that if you have a Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 37 posts


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